Friday, May 14, 2010

you know it's been a long day when... post to your blog THREE times in one day!

BORED!!!!!!!!! I've watched TV with the boys (no more Miley pls), read the flyers, googled everything I could & read every blog out there in Blogville. At least I think I came close...

Which led to me thinking...something I have wondered before...a crise de conscience if you will...well loosely translated. What exactly is my blog about?

Now that I have it transformed to look the way I think I want it to...(sorry to those of you who I made question your sanity...coughcoughrosie)

Is it purposeful? Does it inspire people? Is it a light-hearted read & escape for those who need it? Is it informative? Is it witty? Or is it merely self-serving? Is it personal therapy? What is it all for???? (DRAMA) I mean what is my blog all about!??!

Maybe it still has some evolving to do, I know that I want it to have or serve some sort of purpose...maybe it's already doing that & I don't even know it.

2 amazing people said...:

koralee said...

I think your blog is all of those lovely fun to visit you. You really do make me smile. Have an amazing weekend.xoxo

Randi said...

look what I wrote a few years ago....

Friday, January 19, 2007
What to say? Should I blog or not? Who actually reads this thing? What is the point of it all? These are some of the questions running through my mind.


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