Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I could get used to these four hour shifts. I could REALLY get used to them! Oy. Little update...Gradual return to work program, physio, wcb. Everything is going smoothly...still sore, uber tired...takes time I guess.

It's National Nursing Week, International Nursing Day on May 12, which is incidentally Florence Nightingale's birthday.

Good ole Flo. Our "mother" of nursing, the "Lady with the Lamp", a pioneer who laid the very foundation for what we do today. On a related note, National LPN Day is on the 13th. (WOOT) Not trying to toot our own horns but gigiddy, nurses do a hard job. But a rewarding job. I love what I do, I love what my workmates do. The people I work with make my job enjoyable to go to everyday. The rewards of making a patient better enough to go home, or assisting a patient & their family through difficult times are beyond measure. It was easily the best decision/career change I could have made. I learn so much everyday from every person I come into contact with at the hospital & I get to celebrate tomorrow with my workmates...can't wait!

So on that note, raise a glass to nurses this week, be thankful for your health, protect your health, & cherish your family & friends.

3 amazing people said...:

Randi said...

did I mention you had to dress up as Flo to attend the potluck? whip something up with your sewing machine......

Dawn said...

you did mention that, but i doubt i will have time cuz i have been pretty busy working on your dress :)

Rosie said...

Hey sweetie, glad your feeling well enough to go back to work...please be sensible...and don't work to hard...

I am raising a glass of very fine wine to you, and the girls as we speak...well done my dear...thank you for a job well done

love Rosie


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