Sunday, May 9, 2010

I MAY have overdone it yesterday...

Ok, so although I'd like to think I am, apparently I am NOT Wonderwoman.

WELL...when the physio lady said that I could return to work on Monday for four hours of light duties, as in no lifting, pulling, twisting, virtually no physical contact with my patients, I could have sworn that she meant I was also cleared to start refinishing my furniture and do my garden. Yes well, I can hardly move today **tears** so I'm figuring that's not what she was getting at.

Wishing a Happy Mother's Day to mums everywhere.

2 amazing people said...:

Becky said...

Oh nooooo....I hope you are ok...

Rosie said...

OH are not a very good patient...we may have to put you in a body cast...and take away your wee little lap BE GOOD... and do another wall paper for me to enjoy...I purposely leave your greeting till the end, so I might lay down after having experiencing the "flash back" like symptoms I get after coming to your site...LOL

I think you might have a winner with this one...
Sweet Dreams... Rosie


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