Saturday, April 3, 2010

Owl Medicine

Throughout many cultures, owls are thought to be associated with; intelligence, brilliance, silent observation, perspective, bravery, intuition, knowledge, quick-wit, independence, wisdom, protection, transition, longevity, mystery & power.

If you are drawn to owls or owl symbolism, you may share the owl's gift of heightened senses, enabling you to see through deception, external appearances, illusion and to discover hidden truths. People may feel uneasy around you, as if you are able to see through pretence. The owl also teaches us to acknowledge the dark side of our personality, and in that darkness we may find food for growth. If people do not speak words that reflect the truth of their actions and motives, owl medicine (as referred to by aboriginal cultures) will guide you with vision and inner knowing to reveal the truth. The owl puts an end to doubt and offers vision and clarity of the truth of events, people or circumstances in your life.

everything happens for a reason. love, ROCKETGIRL. xo

2 amazing people said...:

Becky said...

awe i love this!

Randi said...

I too like this. You don't make me uneasy though, cept for that time in the locker room. whoa


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