All of my freakin live long life, I have wanted, desired and longed for a full, proper and beautiful set of Russian Nesting Dolls. I'm not even kidding.
My whole life.
I would have settled for a perfect set of 6? 5? 4 even....
(...I'm sorry...I have to shreeeeeeeeeeeek again!)
and we found a glorious & beautiful Matryoshka!
She is blue & gold & perfect. With each doll, we found a new one inside!
Oh the giggles! I was OVER THE MOON!
6 perfect nesting dolls! My heart was racing & Ms. C laughed at me!
So I get home...and gingerly take each doll out...6...7...8...NINE!
Are you freakin kidding me????????? WAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
And then Mason, who is now as enamored by them as I, says....
Mom, this one has a line around the middle.....
with much difficulty,
I opened the tiny 9th doll opened to reveal a 10th,
the most miniature matryoshka I have ever seen.
10 perfect nesting dolls. This set is SPOTLESS, chipless,
she looks virtually untouched.
I would have paid 30? 50 bucks for this? Oh yes.
But do you know what I paid?????
(doing happy babushka dance!) LOOK! LOOK!
Tell me, go ahead & tell me how beautiful they are!
No No, you don't have to! I already know!
Happy Friday Pretties to you all!
who hosts this lovely party each week!