Monday, August 9, 2010

Monday Monday.....

What a PLEASANT surprise!

I woke up today to a Blogger Award for this blog!
And one for Love, Balance, Peace...a journey  as well!

This is my award from the ever lovely Joyce over at

The Versatile Blogger!

So it looks like I need to list 7 things about myself, a condition of the award...YIKES!
7 things you may or may not know...

(1) Ms. C & I have our own little baking company, it's called TLC which stands for Tasty Little Confections

(2) I am a nurse, as is Ms. C (TLC...get it? yes? makes sense now?)

(3) I got the name Rocketgirl after a wacky nightshift from R over at Brokeshopaholic's Possibilities and Ms. C  (hooligans those two...)

(4) I feel "connected" to the people that I blog with, & some of them I have never even met!

(5) I change my toenail polish at LEAST once per week

(6) I haven't had "naked" toenails since I was young, maybe 10 years about 15 years ago ;)


Oodles of thanks for this award Joyce! and now I pass on this blog award...
 to 3 more blogs!

How on earth do I pick three blogs? I love all the blogs I read...

Happy Monday to you!

3 amazing people said...:

Jenn said...

Hey Dawn,
Congratulations on your awards! Great job keeping up with two blogs. Love your humor in your posts! ;)
Love, Jenn

Gloria said...

Congratulations on your awards!! Your posts make me smile, I am sure they do that to other readers too! :) Thanks for the smiles!
@}~`}~~~ Gloria

I Love Pretty Little Things said...

It is so fun to learn random facts about other bloggers. Thanks for participating and passing along this award. You have such a fun blog, and I am sad that you are leaving us! And, You will be so missed on Fridays for Friday Pretties!



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