Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tuesday Tuesday...

Well, it has certainly been awhile since a middle of the night post....
nightshift post.

This is the hour I dread. 
It's the nauseating hour. 
Then comes 0500h. 
The punchy hour.
The one where everything seems funny.  But really, it isn't.

Then comes 0600h...
many things to do before my replacement comes in at 0715h
Then at 0900h the boys have swimming lessons.
And then at 1030h, I can go to sleep!
And then, at 1700h (if I'm lucky enuf to sleep that long)
I get up for work again.
Last night before days off...
Perhaps I will "encourage" my student to take on another patient tonight  :)

2 amazing people said...:

myletterstoemily said...

my daughter just helped with her 10th
delivery. the doctor made her so mad
by hurrying everything along.

it's fun to visit here!

Gloria said...

Keep up the TLC and good work there! You have to be pretty special to be a nurse in my book!

Hope you can enjoy some relaxing time on your days off. Or are you busy baking??? :) Baking relaxes a lot of people, so maybe so!


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