Sunday, November 8, 2009

dear abby

this is one of my favorite things to do. sit quietly on the couch, watch the news, drink coffee, catch up with my hubby and wonder when the boys will get up while secretly hoping they sleep just a little while longer.

so recently i told you i was moving to Baker 2. friday afternoon, i rcvd a call from the mgr of ER: "oh i have a full time temp line for you, i'm so excited to have you back! please call me and let me know if you are still interested, which i know you are, I am just so pleased!"

uh help? no seriously. help. a quick pro's & con's list for you;
baker 2 one N shift every, one N every other set is alot of Ds in a row
ER 2D 2N, 5 off, ER 2 nights in a row
baker 2 fantastic learning opps, ER fantastic learning opps
baker 2 naptime nights!, ER don't sleep on breaks!

as a LPN, will i get more in ER? will i get more training?

i dunnooooooooo. to be honest, for some strange reason, i am looking forward to going to B2. i don't quite know that i am ready to back to ER on a full time basis. having said that, if the line was PERMANENT, then it would be a no-brainer for me.

i'm only afraid to miss out on the different opportunities that the LPNS come across in ER. and i am very afraid to disappoint the ER mgr or burn any bridges with her.



1 amazing people said...:

Randi said...

choose baker 2 so you're closer to buckshee and mcbabyc


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