okay. here it is.
so i went to cake class. it was, well, interesting. i took notes! i did! i tell ya, that cake lady makes it look so easy.
so i baked a cake today in my new 3 inch deep pan, so i can cut it in half with my new cake leveler......and then i told mason, hey cake for dessert! what colour would you like?? (as i cross my fingers that he doesn't come up with anything remotely difficult) white he says, with purple dots. DONE! that sounds easy right????
i can tell you this; the cake was less than beautiful. but quinn & mason said it looked like it came from the store! but tastes better!
i so love that they thought it was so amazing looking...they didn't even notice the flaws, and there were many. it warmed my little heart to see those looks of amazement on their faces. yep, that's me. CAKE HERO.
here is ugly cake number 1. in all honesty, i was practicing for when i have to go to cake class on tuesday.
be nice.
ps. i know, what the heck are those pointy things? my goal is perfect dots.
1 amazing people said...:
judi not impressed
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