Sunday, February 14, 2010


~ the 2010 winter olympics has begun. sorrow, grief, controversy,
goodness, GOLD!

~ i try so hard to never trash my ex. and i never ever do it in
front of the boys, but WHAT A DOUCHE. TOTAL LOSER DOUCHEBAG. indulge me.

~ it's valentine's day today...same as any other day really.

~ tomorrow is the anniversary of our 1st awkward date 6 years ago. i think. or 7.

~ tuesday is mason's 9th birthday. how utterly sad. my baby.

~ my throat is sore. if i get jaimie's bronchitis i will go postal.

~ i just ate a double cheeseburger, small fries & quinn's butterscotch pudding. those who know me well...well, thank you quinn.

~ don't judge me on the burger bit, it's not like i could open the Szechuan KD. (smooches RK), it's more of a conversation piece.


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