Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

i can't believe how different this year is from last year!
i'm referring to the amount of snow...and today looks like spring!

anyhoooo, it's christmas eve. my children are leaving in an hour, the hubby & doggy are already gone...THANK GOD work called! going in for 4 hours this afternoon to help out....that's 4 less hours i have to sit around the house by myself and cry. all alone on christmas eve. meh. at least hubby & doggy will be back before i get home from work tomorrow so we can have a nice quiet christmas evening together.

i'm still woozy & dizzy. tlc's 2nd order is packaged & ready to go. 3rd order is thankully...CUPCAKES! nice & easy... i have to start my online course...oh & i signed up for bootcamp. and yogaaaaaa, i'm coming.....

i wish you & yours a wonderful wonderful christmas eve!


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