Monday, August 31, 2009

i have mad cow disease

today is going to be a really cranky, angry, bitter, bitchy day. and knowing this makes me angrier, crankier, bitterier (it's a word so shut it) and bitchier.

i mean who has time for starters to update a friggen blog at 0600h. oh right me, cuz i have been awake STEWING all night.

i would just like to say, it's pretty darn sad when you have to live in the past. when you live there, you don't live here. think about what that does to those around you, close to you. and with every word out of your mouth intended to make one feel foolish, you know it's only a cover to make yourself feel better. it must be a terrible self-realization to know you have such a mean vindictive streak having run your mouth to cut others down and that you are fighting a losing battle. sometimes life sucks. sometimes it's downright shitty.

but guess what, here's what you need to do; quit being such a baby, get up, dust yourself off, put on your big girl panties, hold your chin high and have some self respect. shut your mouth. quit trying to make others look bad cuz you feel you were so wronged. own it. you'll have a different perspective on life if you do. you'll feel better if you do. and you deserve it, not to mention the people close to you.

the choice is yours. i'd say thanks for ruining my day...but i am taking my own advice. own it, move on. done.

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